
How do you hold time for your most important priorities?

On Saturday, I wrote about my client who filled his calendar all day, every day with meetings. Not meetings in which he got to do the thing he loves — meetings to cover administriva, operations meetings, places where he had to make decisions about things that he wasn’t an expert in.  He had resolved many…


How are you going to celebrate “Bosses Day”?

Did you know that tomorrow is “Bosses Day”? I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t — it’s a pretty ridiculous holiday.  Don’t get me started on the idea that employees should buy bosses gifts (they shouldn’t) and the ones they do buy are mostly lame (who wants balloons, or a card), the whole thing is…


You *might* be an outlier! Does your energy and stamina risk burnout for your team?

I was interviewing team members at a new client’s company, and I heard a similar story from all of them. They loved working for this company; they felt like it was a place for them to thrive. The team was great AND they believed in the mission. In fact, everything was great, except…they were exhausted. …