
How money is NOT like firewood

For the last few days, I’ve been comparing the process of bringing new money into your business to the process of gathering firewood.

The most common reply I’ve gotten is some form of,

“Sure Brad, but gathering firewood is easy, finding clients is hard! If I could just find clients lying on the ground that would be one thing, but I don’t know how to regularly find new business.”

When folks say this to me, I want to say, “Baloney! You’ve found clients before; just do more of that!

We make “finding clients” into something tricky and complicated. All this talk of “lead generation strategies” and “sales funnels,” gets overwhelming.

But selling creative services is more straightforward than that. You don’t need 1000 leads! You need 30 – 50 per year, barely one a week!

What if it was easy?

What if creating new clients wasn’t so complicated?

What if all you have to do is create more conversations with people who could hire you?

Then in those conversations, ask them if they’d like to keep having conversations like these; conversations that have concrete, valuable outcomes for their business.

When they say “yes,” talk to them about what that might look like and what it would cost.

If they like it, make a deal and send them an invoice.

What’s so hard about that? No, seriously, I’m asking! What did I leave out? What’s making it complicated for you? Hit reply and let me know!

How can you create a more consistent sales process?

Our 7-question assessment will tell you.

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I know exactly who I'm selling to. Looking at someone's LI profile or website, I can tell if they are a prospect or not.(Required)