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4 secrets about budget season that your client won’t tell you…

We are in the middle of the most important three months of the year for B2B services companies. It’s budget season, and your clients and prospects are making their plans for 2021 over the next few weeks. Do you have a plan to get money allocated to projects you can complete for them? 1. Budget…

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The 100 most important days of the year

If you run a B2B business, this is “go time.” We’re in the playoffs. It’s showtime. Use whatever metaphor gets your juices flowing, but it’s a crucial time to set your business trajectory for 2021. Over the next 100 days, your clients are making plans for 2021. They are setting priorities, creating budgets, and laying…


5 things you can do to improve cash flow (so you don’t need to sweat payroll)

I got a lot of reaction to my post about sweating out payroll; it seems that a lot of us are anxious about getting our cash in the door.  Here are five ways to improve the cash flow of any business! 1. Improve Your Payment Terms Setting favorable payment terms with your clients is the…