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“Looking at the numbers made me feel so much better!”

I had been getting anxious emails from one of my clients for a couple of days. Each day the anxiety seemed to be getting higher and higher.  She was worried about the future of her business. (Aren’t we all!)  It seemed like every night she’d wake up, and her mind imagined another doomsday scenario that…


5 things you can do to improve cash flow (so you don’t need to sweat payroll)

I got a lot of reaction to my post about sweating out payroll; it seems that a lot of us are anxious about getting our cash in the door.  Here are five ways to improve the cash flow of any business! 1. Improve Your Payment Terms Setting favorable payment terms with your clients is the…

How do you know that YOU are doing a good job?
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How do you know that YOU are doing a good job?

As a business owner, we all have more than one job (many of us carry 4 or 5); but two of those jobs are the same for every business owner. The first is being a great leader in your business. Whether you are the CEO/President, or a partner who shares the leadership, one of your…