Who’s your teacher?
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Who’s your “teacher”? Who’s your mentor?

When I was a young executive in a corporate job I met a woman named Marylin Dyer Blair. Marylin had a PhD in Industrial Psychology that she had earned in the 70’s. She was barely five-feet tall, with short gray hair—the kind of person that it’s easy to underestimate. But to do so would be…

Crafting a price increase notice: 6 ways to tell your clients

Crafting a price increase notice: 6 ways to tell your clients

To start, here’s a little price increase notice sample. I then follow it up with 6 ways to how to tell clients you’re raising your prices below: Dear John (your client’s name is John, right?); How are you doing? We used to be so close. Lately there’s been some distance between us; I just want…

Leaders read books.
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In a world of video, reading is still fundamental

I’m watching more, and more video. Video is engaging. It has personality. It fosters an easy sense of connection with people. Its a great way to learn AND be entertained. Podcasts are also great (hey, I’ve got one, how can I diss ’em?). I learn a lot from podcasts; and they’re so convenient. I can…