6 Most Common Small Business HR Issues to Avoid
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6 Most Common Small Business HR Issues to Avoid

When starting your small business, you should be aware of the impact Human Resources can have on everything your company does. HR is responsible for supporting the business by handling hiring, firing, and classifying employees, as well as investigations. Some of the most common HR problems for all businesses but especially new businesses, include: Recruitment…

Maybe they’re just “born this way” — how personality influences team performance
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Maybe they’re just “born this way” — how personality influences team performance

When I first became a manager I was lucky. A lot of new managers are handed a team hired or chosen by someone else. I had the opportunity to choose my own team. I picked 2 of the smartest engineers in the company, then I went out and hired 3 more really brilliant team members…

A conversation between an employer and employee
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A conversation between an employer and employee

I’ve been chatting with friends about my recent employee dress code post. They were all pretty surprised when I casually mentioned talking with my boss, Brad, about it. Apparently my friends don’t — and wouldn’t dare to — have an open discussion with their own bosses about what they should or shouldn’t wear to the office, how they feel…

How One-Sentence Job Descriptions can help you get back to basics
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How One-Sentence Job Descriptions can help you get back to basics

Business can become very complicated, especially as your business grows. But there’s a need to maintain simplicity amid all of the chaos. At this year’s Chick-fil-A Leadercast, author Andy Stanley talked about simplifying one of the most important tools we have in business — the job description. Usually job descriptions are a page or several pages…

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What I wish job candidates knew about job interviewing

The beginning of the year is always a busy time for hiring. As I work with a number of clients to fill openings, I’m continually amazed by the things I see job candidates say and do during their interviews. Here are a few things that I see regularly that are real deal killers. Electronic buzzes, beeps…

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What to do when your employees take long lunch breaks

You get back from a meeting at 1:30 p.m. and your office is ghost town. Where did everyone go? You know your staff usually breaks for lunch around noon but they can’t be gone this long – or can they? About 15 minutes later, the whole bunch walks in, laughing and having a great ol’ time. They…