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“It’s taken me so long to figure out what my business is all about.”

I was talking with a friend who owns his own business. I often tell him that he’s my business hero – he makes a terrific living for his family and significantly impacts his clients – and does it all in less than 20 hours a week. But that’s a story for another day… Anyway, He…

How to reduce your client’s risk, when everything is risky
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How to reduce your client’s risk, when everything is risky

Ambient risks have skyrocketed. Economic, social, and public health risks are massively higher than they were last year. This includes the risk of hiring a professional services firm. People hire these experts to reduce their risk of negative outcomes. For example: The money I spend hiring these experts reduces my risk of adverse outcomes and…

Tips for Growing a Small Professional Services Firm
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Four Keys to Growing a Creative Services Firm

The creative services business requires managing and selling a rather unpredictable product – people. But, this doesn’t mean your business and its success must be equally unpredictable. Creative services companies can realize steady growth and success – even with the uncertainty and variability that accompanies managing and selling people’s services. Here are four key strategies…