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You want me to do WHAT?

As our economy starts to emerge from its pandemic slumber, I’ve been encouraging my clients to get more systematic and take more action to build their business development pipeline.

I worked with a cohort to get started with outreach, and they saw success; that’s why I built the Online Lead Generation and Engagement course.

But not everyone responds positively to the idea of outreach to fuel your business development! Here are some of the things I’ve heard!

I don’t want to be “salesy.”

Good. I don’t want you to be “salesy” either. No one wants that.

If you are good at what you do, and your service makes a difference for the clients you work with, why wouldn’t you tell people about that?

You don’t have to do it in an inauthentic way. I mean, you’ve been getting emails from me for a while now, and I’m betting you rarely feel “sold to.” But 3 times a week I’m telling you about how I can help you.

Could you do that?

I don’t know; even the idea of outreach makes me feel uncomfortable.

Me too. I’m not too fond of outreach.

I tried to rely on just referrals and inbound leads – I know that’s worked for some people.

While referrals and inbound leads create clients for most firms, I don’t find that they always provide ideal clients. When you know who your ideal client is, you know how great it can be when you have clients who perfectly fit your skills, who take your advice, and who pay you well! (and if you don’t, check out our Online Lead Generation Fundamentals course)

Once you’ve worked with clients like that, you want more of them and the best way I’ve found to do that is to go find them.

How do I manage it all? It’s not like I have a lot of free time!

To be successful, this process requires daily action. You need to commit yourself to “showing up” for about 45 min to an hour a day.

That said, there are parts of the process that you can get help with. Once a process is nailed down, most of my clients will engage a sales administrator or VA who can do the initial outreach and some of the follow-up in your name. Leaving you just to be yourself, direct messaging, and emailing prospects until they are ready to get on the phone.

I’m just not sure this is going to work for me.

Truthfully, I’m not sure either. But if what you are doing isn’t getting you the results you need, why don’t you give it a shot. If you complete the course and do the work to reach out to your first 100 prospects and it’s not working for you, let me know. I’ll get on the phone with you and try to troubleshoot, or if you prefer, refund the full cost of the course.

Take a look at the course; if there are any other questions you have, hit reply, and I’ll try to answer them.

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