More money clarity, HOW MUCH do you want to make?

More money clarity, HOW MUCH do you want to make?

On Thursday, we talked about how stupid money is. If you didn’t read it, or if you didn’t do your homework, click through and do that homework now. It will make this conversation a LOT more meaningful. You remember we talked about how most people don’t really want money. We want what money brings, enables,…


Can we talk about making more money?

In the almost 20 years I’ve been working with business owners one of the most frequent desires/needs/dreams/goals that I hear from business owners is that they want to make more money. So, I want to have a real talk about making more money. Maybe it’s crass, perhaps it’s too straightforward — but it’s on your…


Do I have to do numbers to run my business?

When you first start your business, it’s important to “follow your gut” because you don’t have any track record and your numbers don’t point anywhere. Your “gut” is your true north. In the fog and confusion of a start-up, you need something “steady” to hold onto, and your gut instinct is as close as we…

Step-by-step guide to building your own crystal ball (or Budget)

Step-by-step guide to building your own crystal ball (or Budget)

We’ve been talking this week about the value of building a budget for your business — today we will do it. If you didn’t download my magic budget spreadsheet, you should do it now.  My budget spreadsheet builds your profit and loss statement for the next year by predicting the sales and expenses for each…


How to know what you can afford to spend?

On Tuesday we talked about my magic spreadsheet that helps answer all kind of questions for my clients. It’s like a crystal ball that reveals the future! But I have trouble getting clients to take it seriously — they frequently avoid engaging in creating one, and once built, it can sit unused.  Why? Well, here’s…


More people, more problems: Grow WITHOUT hiring more staff

As we discussed on Tuesday, it’s almost impossible to balance supply (people) with demand (client work) in a service firm. So how do you grow your firm without going through that see-saw? Here are 4 ways to grow your business without adding more people.  1. Stop Overdelivering. Yes, if you ask them, your team will…