How to reduce your client’s risk, when everything is risky
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How to reduce your client’s risk, when everything is risky

In 2020, we are living in a time when ambient risks have skyrocketed. The economic risks, social risks, and public health risks are massively higher than they were last year. This includes the risk of hiring a professional services firm. People hire these experts to reduce their risk of negative outcomes. For example: I could…

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The 100 most important days of the year

If you run a B2B business, this is “go time.” We’re in the playoffs. It’s showtime. Use whatever metaphor gets your juices flowing, but it’s a crucial time to set your business trajectory for 2021. Over the next 100 days, your clients are making plans for 2021. They are setting priorities, creating budgets, and laying…

What are you going to tell your grandkids about 2020?

What are you going to tell your grandkids about 2020?

2020 started with protests in Hong Kong, then bushfires in Australia. In the US, we had impeachment hearings and an over 1000 point drop in the stock market. Then came COVID and shutdown/quarantine, which sent millions of workers into a long work-from-home (with children “e-learning”) experiment. That was just the first quarter. Since then, we’ve…

Online alternatives to Vistage
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Online alternatives to Vistage

“It’s lonely at the top” is a common expression for good reason — for CEOs, it’s especially true. Sure, you’re surrounded by people and if you’re fortunate — good people. But who do you talk to when you need someone with a similar perspective as you?  Family is unlikely to fully understand the intricacies of…

How deep do I need to go in cutting costs?

How deep do I need to go in cutting costs?

Planning for the future right now is extraordinarily difficult.  We know that unemployment is at record high levels. High unemployment is a signal the economy is going to tank. When consumer spending drops significantly (like when lots of folks lose their jobs), the consumer companies get hit first, but pretty soon the whole economy suffers. Worse…


How are you planning for the eventual reopening of your office or business?

It looks like the US will be reopening slowly, perhaps county by county, but the fact is that where ever you are, your business will eventually get the chance to resume working in the office. When that chance comes, what will you do? At this point, my assumption about the “Level 1” opening is that…