
How to build trust while leading through uncertainty

In 2024, about half the world voted in national elections. Across all those elections, almost every incumbent party facing election lost vote share; among democracies, over 80% saw the incumbent party lose support compared to the previous election. While there are many reasons for this, it’s undeniable that we’re in a challenging leadership environment. Our…

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Is your workplace going hybrid, or remote? Build your company’s culture!

Our workplaces are changing; whether you are planning to be fully remote or partially remote, there will be more of your team working away from the office in the future than there was in the past. One of the fears leaders have is how this shift will impact company culture over the long term. Is…


Is there a battle (or person) that you need to let go of?

I worked with a client who was not very popular with his staff. He had high standards and wasn’t afraid to enforce them. He was blunt and direct; some would say that his feedback crossed the line to unkind. Over time, his communication style fostered resentment in his team. One employee in particular, became a…

Do you want to have a more positive, productive, and creative team?

Do you want to have a more positive, productive, and creative team?

“In any team, particularly creative teams, the productive output of the team is inversely proportional to the drama between the team members.” ~ Julie Colbrese Have you ever been part of a team that had lots of politics, in-fighting, and drama? How do you remember that time in your life? Was it satisfying, engaging, and…