
Are you “doing the thing” or leading your business?

As I talked with one of my clients last week, he said something that blew my mind. Mike went to law school as a mid-career switcher. His background is in product development and engineering, but now he owns a law firm. We talked about how things have changed for him during the last few years…


Are you accelerating into the holidays, or taking it easy?

Confucius said: We have two lives, and the second begins when we realize we only have one. I talked with an agency owner this month. He was earnest about growing his business. “I’m just going to burn hard on my business for like 10 years, then sell it and enjoy life,” he told me. I…


How to stay focused when the room starts spinning

You have one job to do; you need to keep your business moving forward no matter what is happening in the larger world. But that “larger world” isn’t making it easy! We’ve got a pandemic with an ever-shifting public health response. What support will we get from the government? Who is this going to impact…