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Your work will never be finished.

If your work is successful, it generates more work; as a result, the concept of “finishing your work” is a contradiction in terms so blatant and so dangerous that it can lead to nervous breakdowns—because it puts the pressure on the wrong places in your mind and habits. Kenneth Atchity, as quoted in Beyond Entrepreneurship…


How to declare independence from your business!

Most of the owners I work with are fully identified with their businesses. The business is their life, their identity. When the business is going well, they are euphoric; when it’s going poorly, they are despondent. The success of the business is their success, and any failure is their failure. Without their efforts, the business…


What I wish I’d known about parenting and leading a business (That help me support working parents.)

I was cleaning up the kitchen one night after everyone was asleep. I had made quite a mess cooking that night (as is my habit), and so by the time I was drying the last pot, I was a little bleary-eyed. So when smoke rose out of one of the pots I was drying, it…


Where should your priorities be as the leader of your agency?

“It’s about getting the best people, retaining them, nurturing a creative environment and helping to find a way to innovate” – Marissa Mayer You want your agency to grow. You also want it to be a great place to work, where smart, creative people thrive and do great work. You might also be one of…