
The CEO who makes the fewest decisions grows their business the fastest.

A pattern that I see with agency owners in the growth stage is that they are the biggest reason their firms aren’t making progress. Don’t believe me? How many projects or initiatives are waiting on something from you? Your team is committed to a content marketing plan, but you are responsible for producing (or even…


Whee! Reader ideas for enjoying the roller coaster ride.

I have gotten a number of replies to my email about Riding the Roller Coaster of Entrepreneurship. Clearly it hit a nerve with some of you! I wanted to share some of the things that helped to make the roller coaster less taxing. Here’s a few (edited for length): “I’m learning more and more to ask…

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Riding the roller coaster of entrepreneurship

Running my own business produced some of the best days of my life, and some of the worst. I’ve won big deals and then lost them again. I’ve hired the perfect person who would transform my business only to have them accept a counter-offer. I’ve sent an offer out to my list that got a great response,…

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The 100 most important days of the year

If you run a B2B business, this is “go time.” We’re in the playoffs. It’s showtime. Use whatever metaphor gets your juices flowing, but it’s a crucial time to set your business trajectory for 2021. Over the next 100 days, your clients are making plans for 2021. They are setting priorities, creating budgets, and laying…


Confronting the brutal facts, to find a way forward

In his famous book Good to Great, Jim Collins writes about interviewing Admiral James Stockdale, who was a POW in Vietnam. There’s one line from that interview that has remained seared in my brain ever since. Collins asked Stockdale about how he dealt with the cruelty, the deprivation, and the uncertainty of not knowing if…


I’m currently forming a new Mastermind Group. 

Last week I wrote to you about the challenges I was having. I got several nice notes back from you, encouraging me. I appreciate that! My attitude lifted seeing your notes and reading your replies. This week I’ve been talking with more business owners who are facing similar challenges. With all the change and stress 2020…

5 Keys to Growing Beyond $1M in Sales
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5 Keys to Growing Beyond $1M in Sales

“What got you here won’t get you there!” ~ Marshall Goldsmith Congratulations, you’ve grown your business and achieved a major milestone, one million in revenue. Well done! It’s a huge achievement. Less than 4% of business in America reach this goal.  Now that you’ve celebrated, let’s talk about your next steps. Do you want to…