
Accomplish more of your goals in 2022

After Tuesday’s message, you’ve narrowed down your expectations for 2022 to just the most critical initiatives, things that have to be accomplished. Good work! Now let’s make sure that they happen. How have you done in past years? Looking back over past years, what percentage of your annual goals got accomplished? Not how many did you…


So you’ve got a shiny new set of goals for 2022?

Do your goals for this year involve starting a bunch of new initiatives? Expanding your marketing efforts? Landing new clients? Offering new services? Of course they do! I’ve never seen a company founder whose goals were, “Let’s do the same things as last year – just a little bit better.”  What do you think your…


Things in the future are less likely than they appear.

In my work with agency owners, the topic of uncertainty comes up constantly. We’re always looking for ways to reduce uncertainty. Why can’t we get a solid forecast from our sales team or better estimates from the production folks? But no matter how accurate we make our forecasts, intuitively we know they are either lucky…