Do you want to have a more positive, productive, and creative team?

Do you want to have a more positive, productive, and creative team?

“In any team, particularly creative teams, the productive output of the team is inversely proportional to the drama between the team members.” ~ Julie Colbrese Have you ever been part of a team that had lots of politics, in-fighting, and drama? How do you remember that time in your life? Was it satisfying, engaging, and…

How much work is too much? (A message from Dolly Parton.)

How much work is too much? (A message from Dolly Parton.)

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. (Hopefully, you’ve planned something for your significant other. If not, you’re welcome!) In honor of tomorrow’s holiday, my message to you today is a short one…in the ageless words of Dolly Parton, “Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life!” Those words come from a…